I got the problem which I was getting previously, that is the null values of the raster image. I fixed that and got the values that I need. S1_20200421.csv (210.6 KB)
Great that you have been able to solve it. Could you also tell us how you did it?
What was the reason for the null values?
Previously I had tried to extract the values of the entire Terrain Corrected scene, later i tried with some polygon shape, which excluded the null values and include the pixel with some values only. Thank you for your help.
This is the help I was looking for. My next question: what band order is the output? I’m seeing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 does 9 translate to 8A?
I want to extract pixel values of 20 sigma nought images under some shapefile. Is there any method to extract values of all 20 images at once not one by one?
The pixel export for a region is not yet implemented. But it is on the todo list ( [SNAP-828] The pixel extraction to be extended to support geometries instead of coordinates only).
But you can do a subset and export this as CSV. But this will include more pixels as your region, because the export is always rectangular.
With a processing chain you could at least set the pixels outside of your region to no-data.
Here I have provided an example:
Depending on how you plan to use the CSV files, a GIS or other popular package may be more useful. It is important to remember that developers are a scarce resource, so users are better off when SNAP Developers can focus on capabilities specific to remote sensing that aren’t available from existing widely used tools (ArcGIS, QGIS, etc.).