October 2, 2018, 7:15am
You can have a look at these posts:
Hello all,
I use the following java method to write a quicklook of a RS2 product. I would now like to overlay vector polygon outlines to this image. Do you have any suggestion as to how I could proceed ?
public static void quicklookRGB(Product product, File rgbFile, String redBandName, String greenBandName, String blueBandName) throws IOException{
Band[] bands = new Band[3];
bands[0] = product.getBand(redBandName);
bands[1] = product.getBand(greenBandName);
bands[2] = p…
Hello everyone,
I’m trying to export an RGB / geotiff image with python because I want to open it with qgis but having some trouble. my script is:
RGB=[Rband, Gband, Bband]
image_info = ProductUtils.createImageInfo(RGB, True, ProgressMonitor.NULL)
image_rgb = ProductUtils.createRgbImage(RGB, image_info, ProgressMonitor.NULL)
How can I save image_rgb in Geotiff format?
I did it fo…
If you don’t want to do any sophisticated image, pconvert might the right too for you.
It is located in the bin folder of the SNAP installation, next to gpt.
To get help type:
pconvert -h