Gaps after Mosaicing S1 images in SNAP

Does border noise removal work for You?
I try to remove it from image S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20180303T161032_20180303T161057_020853_023C40_E0F7, on SNAP 6 and 7 - both updated - and nothing changes. Output looks the same as input. I processed it on image before and after applying orbit file.
Any idea?

After changing border margin limit ( to 1000 afterwards 2000 and finally 5000), I get image with “some” removal of border noise.
Left image border -a dark stripe still visible :

Right image border has no dark stripe, but has many of artifacts:

Is it a matter of parameters? I am not sure how to understand the threshold. Is there a flag in metadata, which migth suggest ommiting this kind of images or subset the product/

I tried to mosaic S1A SLC pre-processed (orb-cal-deburst-spk-ML-TC) product with 3 sub-swath (IW1, IW2, and IW3). However, the mosaiced product is having some gaps (result attached). I have mosaiced IW1, IW2, and IW3 sub-swath of three different products but only IW2 layers of three different SLC products were mosaiced in the result.

Please assist me to solve this issue.
Thank you

Why don’t you work with GRD products when your target information is Sigma0?
Would make things easier and faster.

Thank you for your response @ABraun. Yes, I can use GRD data but actually, I need to apply different decomposition techniques in the mosaiced output, in order to that I need to use SLC data. Can You please help me to mosaic these datasets (SLC)?

Im this case I would first process each sub swath and derive the decomposition, then merge all three of one product using TOPS Merge and lastly use thr SAR Mosaic operator to combine different products.
In your case it looks like the NoData value was not interpreted correctly.

Which operator did you use exactly and what is the NoData value of the inputs?

Hey Andreas,

I have been working with GRD EW data. I notice that after pre-processing when I mosaic the terrain corrected data, I still see the white patches (attached below) - Making further processes difficult.


did you un-check the “normalize” option?

No, I didn’t.
Should I?

yes, this can lead to unwanted histogram balancing.

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Thanks will try and get back

Hello Andreas,

I recollected the previous message that I did not actually mention what procedure am following.
I have converted the pre-processed S1 image to GeoTIFF and using Raster-Mosaic instead of SAR-mosaic (because the GeoTIFF no more has metadata as in the .dim version. So, my Radar mosaic didn’t work). Now I don’t have any options in Raster like normalise & still see banding effects.
Data_type: EW-GRD-Medium resolution

Can i sort this?
I have seen in your previous links that it usually happens with large areas EW data - am sure those are overlapping scenes, but just wanted to figure out if I can sort

I don’t recommend storing as GeoTiffs, so I would go some steps back and leave all data in BEAM DIMAP so you can use the SAR mosaic instead.

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Thank you for your time