How do you handle exceptions and warnings in snappy?

What is the standard way to handle exceptions thrown by snappy?

My code looks like this:
try: sp = ProductIO.readProduct(filename) except ProductIO.readProduct.IOException as e: return e

I also tried this:
try: sp = ProductIO.readProduct(filename) except RuntimeWarning as w: return w

However I am not successfully getting exceptions with ProductIO.readProduct.IOException. What class I am supposed to be using for the exceptions from ProductIO.readProduct? I want to be able to get ERRORS and WARNINGS such as those below in the exception:

WARNING: org.esa.snap.core.dataio.dimap.DimapProductReader: DimapProductReader: Unable to read file ‘/home/web/satellite/tmp/Hartbeespoort/’ referenced by ‘solar_flux_band_21’.

Thanks in advance.

After a full day of searching python documentation, the snappy API documentation, stackoverflow, etc. I still cannot seems to get the warning generated by ProductIO.readProduct into a string that I can use, or turn the warning messages into an exception using python’s warnings module…

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Hi Mark,

the following should work:

    product = ProductIO.readProduct(product_file)
except RuntimeError as e:

I’m not sure, but I think it will be RuntimeError in most cases, but you can also catch BaseException.

Thanks @marpet, that is the solution I have been using. However I was hoping to be able to catch Warnings and not just exceptions, however I haven’t found a way to do that yet. Thanks for answering this probably python more than snap question!

Hi, did you find a solution?

I am also looking for a way to capture warnings.

(I have a large number of images, and I’m trying to find which of them that are corrupt)

Warning can’t be caught. They are just logged to the command line.

OK - I found a way to achieve what I needed using bash, as you can then redirect the warnings to a text file using e.g. gpt Read file 2>>log.txt


Hey so I have a follow up question,

For context I am getting a “[Failed to Read Data for level 0 and rectangle]” error from the API. Now the java exception isn’t my real issue. My issue is this “severe” warning or error or whatever it is from the API is not raising an Python exception and continues to execute the code.

Is there a way for me to explicitly set that all java exceptions should be converted into a python exception?