How to assign the SNAP_HOME variable?

Hello to all,

I am trying to install snappy and start writing some simple python scripts to subset and process Sentinel-2 products. I am getting an error about the SNAP_HOME variable.

IOError: Can’t find SNAP distribution directory. Either configure variable ‘snap_home’ in file ‘./snappy.ini’ or set environment variable ‘SNAP_HOME’ to an existing SNAP distribution directory.

Tried changing it. Got new error message:

RuntimeError: does not seem to be a valid SNAP distribution directory: …

Snap_home is set to:


Is /home/user/snap the installation directory of SNAP? If so, it should be correct.
Maybe you try to configure snappy again. Invoke <python_executable> <site-packages_folder>.
This could solve the problem.

Hello, yes it helped. Thank you