no, matlab can handle this file structure. You simply start matlab, move to the directory with the data created by mt_prep_gamma
and type getparm
, for example.
becasue i have 4 PATCHes in my data folder,I have finished step1-step5 in each individual patch?i dont know how to merge all pathes.
Step 5 is the merging of all patches… So please do not run step 5 inside each PATCH folder.
Combined MTI processing is for merging PSI with SBAS results, which I think it is not the same.
But please @zhuhaxixiong, I agree with @ABraun, had you read any manual before trying anything?
It is fundamental to understand what you should do, always, so you can have some autonomy on the things you are trying to do.
I hope you manage to solve your problems and you manage to process what you need.
Good luck!
you are right. I wanted to point out to this because it is mentioned here (not very clear to be honest) that patches are merged after Step 5. A bit misleading from my side, sorry about that.
but I had done step 5 in each pathes folder,what should i do next?
you should run it on the INSAR_XXXX folder.
Please run step 5 onwards there and let us know
ok,you means that what I had done(done step 5 in each patch folder) doesnt influence the result?
No. I have not said that.
Please follow StaMPS user manual.
ok,I got it
you means i should do step 1-4 for each patches and then do step 5 in data folder(which the patches are in)
hi thho,
I couldn’t find summary from this link “To read the summary, download the .html here and open it in your browser”
Please post it
Dear Friends,
I have (12 Images of 2018 with temporal difference 12days) , (12 Images of 2017 with temporal difference 12days)and (6 Images of 2016 with temporal difference 24days) of ascending pass covering AOI in same swath.
Please help how to choose Master?
Should i Fix three masters one each year or a single master for PSI stamps processing?
12 images are not yet enough for PS InSAR. mengdahl suggests a stack with > 20 images:
Currently, SNAP supports only one single master to be used in StaMPS.
Images are 30 in total if one master is required.
sorry, I misunderstood you. Yes, 30 are enough. You can use the ASF baseline tool to identify the most suitable master for your images:
I had best experiences by firrst searching one of your used images in ASF Vertex:
Once you have the list of results, you can click on “View Baseline” for one of your images at the correct footprint/granule and then you will be redirected to the ASF Baseline tool which already lists all Sentinel-1 images within this footprint. Then you simply have to adjust the temporal span and click on one of the images which is most centered in your graph.
Hi @virk_rana, what is the error about? What had you done to get the error? I hope you know I am not a SNAP developer, but still I will try to do my best
i mean ifg
How had you generated this product?
using snap.
32 images. generated backgeocoded stack the deb anf ifg