How to prepare Sentinel-1 images stack for PSI/SBAS in SNAP

you can enter the patch run stamps(1,1)

Hi Katherine,
It seems that you know how to combine data psexport from many stacks, which have the same master.
Can you please show me how to do with them? I have 2 stacks with the same master image on 7/4/2021.

Hello, everyone. I intend to use the platform heading angle in the GPS LOS projected formula, extracted from the original metadata of my Sentinel-1 images. The value obtained is approximately -6.1 degrees. Should I use it as -6.1 degrees in the formula?"

Hello, I have encountered the same problem as you. I increased the dispersion threshold and obtained more PS candidates, But there are still no PS points in the third step. May I ask if you have solved it? Can you give me some advice? I would greatly appreciate it

I double checked my GitLab-repository for that project, and as far as I could tell the issue resulted from an an empty interferogram file being created during preprocessing. My only advice atm would be to check whether all your interferograms look reasonable and recompute or remove buggy files.

I’m sorry I can’t offer more insight, this was back in 2018 and I documented this only very sparsely in one issue. Commits don’t suggest any change to the code, so I assume it was indeed an input data problem.

Have you managed to solve this error yet ?

please help?
this problem has started happening when I started processing step 3 on a newer version while the previous steps were done using an older release of matlab

The problem was solved by changing the parameter
setparm(‘plot_scatterer_size’, nan) instead of setparm(‘plot_scatterer_size’, ‘nan’)
setparm(‘plot_scatterer_size’, 30) instead of setparm(‘plot_scatterer_size’, ‘30’)

"Can you explain what the values in “INSAR_master_date 0.4 3 2 50 200” mean?

Are these the most up to date recipes for PSI and SBAS processing? I am looking for the newest instructions for those processing approaches.

The latest SBAS and PSI interactive processing with 2D and 3D visualization is available at

P.S. Consider using burst downloading to save network traffic and disk space instead of downloading full Sentinel-1 SLC scenes, as demonstrated in the use cases.

My AOI falls within the overlap of two frames: one covering acquisitions from May 14, 2016, to May 15, 2017, and the other from May 21, 2017, to February 12, 2019. Both frames share the same path but differ in frame numbers, meaning my study area will have varying swaths between master and slave images. In the project configuration, if I input the swath of the master image
IW1 = IW1 (Suppose AOI lies in IW1 in master image)

and continue start processing, would that be the correct approach, or is there a different method I should use in this scenario?

what are steps required for different frames as swath won’t be same for all files.