Image from the Sentinel-1's SLC product

there is a technical difference between spatial resolution and pixel size
Please have a look here:

GRD products are provided with 10m, but the original resolution of the SLC is different

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Dear @ABraun,
I use this old topic to have an information from you about the pixel spacing.
Thank you for the link above, it is useful. I am working with SLC product to detect some target on the sea (plastic). The implemented processing is very simple (no speckle-filters, no multilooking applied to avoid losing “any kind” of information).
As you suggested in another post, I am using as resampling method the “nearest neighbour”, while as pixel spacing I am using 14m.
As ground truth I am using some S2 images acquired in the same period of SLCs images and now my question:

  • As you know, for S2 the pixel spacing is 10m and then to simplify this comparison I would like to have also SLC products with a pixel spacing of 10. Is it theoretically correct to put 10m for SLC in the Terrain Correction? Putting 10m the SLC is in some way “altered” or is it better to keep the value around 14m?

Thank you,
S Savastano

If you want both datasets in the 10m grid of Sentinel-2, you can use the Collocation module and Select S2 as reference and S1 as secondary product. It will then be resampled to the pixel spacing of S2. Nearest Neighbor preserves the original pixel values while bilinear computes new ones based on their geometry.

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