Land subsidence

Many thanks Braun

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Dear lbra
Dear ABraun
any clarification and update about the procedure of Sentinel SLC (AB+BC+CD+DE) for measure land Subsidence… What I do after apply coregistration of SLC pairs ?and how can compute the subsidence map of the images in total…

Please inform me update…


An example for multi-temporal InSAR analysis is given here:
Especially the last couple of slides demonstrate the combination of multiple pairs.

how many images you took for each year?

Hello! I want to find average vertical displacement of 10 pairs so how can I find? as I have already find out pair by pair vertical displacement? Waiting…

this depends on how you created your interferograms. Do all slave images refer to the same master or did you make image pairs of two successive acquisitions?

This was lately discussed here: Interferogram averaging for DEM generation

I have one master and all other slave which are all pair to master one by one

so you can calculate the displacement for each pixel for a different time period.

Let’s say:
AB (12 days) -8 mm
AC (24 days) -12 mm
AD (36 days) -16 mm

that is -8/12, -12/24 and -16/36, thus -0.666, -0,5 and -0,444 mm per day.

Thank you I got. how can we perform this for whole product(pair/unwrapped interferogram)?

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after unwrapping, you use “phase to displacement” to get a raster of displacement.
Afterwards, you can divide the raster by the number of days between the first and the second image to get the displacement per day per pixel. Do this with every product and in the end you can stack them all and compare.

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Thank you so much

In Snaphu import i tick the option 1 as shown in figure, in 2 i find out vertical displacement and in 3 i mask out coherence. now i want to find masking out area with low coherence i.e vertical displacement *Coherence mask but these both are in different products, what should i do? please help me out

Hello sir! In Snaphu import i tick the option 1 as shown in figure, in 2 i find out vertical displacement and in 3 i mask out coherence. now i want to find masking out area with low coherence i.e vertical displacement *Coherence mask but these both are in different products, what should i do? please help me out

Did you try up? band extractor from optical tab and then import this band to be one object of the other product!!

no sir, how to do?

it’s explained in the previous post, first extract the band and then import it to be one of the other product’s object.

ok sir thank you

I’m getting error in height dimension, can anyone help me with this?

can you please show the tab “SnaphuImport”?