Linux Installation using StaMPS and S-1 data

There are a number of reasons the suggestion:

can fail. This can make it difficult to address your problem remotely.

You appear to using an external drive. Some systems configure external drive to block running executable. Some applications expect a standard linux filesytem and may be confused if yours is exFAT or NTFS format.

Some linux distributions or site configurations divide the ~/.bashrc into sections for interactive and non-interactive sessions. If yours has such sections you need to make sure you set the PATH in the correct place.

You have some directories with spaces in the name. Special care is needed to set the PATH if you have a space in the name of one of the directories:

PATH="/media/<user>/New Volume/.../bin:$PATH"

There are many good online references and tutorials (but also a lot of misinformation) for the linux command-line. You may find that a few hours spent studying linux command-line basics will be repaid quickly. Linux Command is a good place to start.