Missing VV or VH Bands in some tiles

Hello Everyone,
I have downloaded the tiles of april 2016 for Java, Indonesia. I have problem due to having different band images and no band images in some tiles. Here is the list:

  1. 1 VV---- S1A_IW_GRDH_1SSV_20160423T110559_20160423T110628_010947_0106CB_2B54

  2. No Band—S1A_IW_RAW__0SSV_20160423T110624_20160423T110645_010947_0106CB_A533

  3. 3VH and 3VV—S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20160128T220851_20160128T220927_009700_00E283_0E41

  4. 3VV----S1A_IW_SLC__1SSV_20160423T110627_20160423T110645_010947_0106CB_E47A

Please suggest me how can I get the band images with 2 set of imageries.

you cannot process RAW products with SNAP (or most of other remote sensing software). I would recommend using only products of same type: SLC or GRD

please also see here: GTC (Geocoded terrain corrected) data

Thank you. I will be careful while downloading by checking product information.