Orbit file timeout (March 2021)

Hi @ABraun,
thank you always for your support and guidance.
I haven’t found any suggestions about that in the FAQs. Could you kindly address me to that?
In the meantime, just to clarify my problem:

  • If I delete the folder C:\Users\Salvatore.snap\auxdata\Orbits\Sentinel-1\RESORB\S1A\2021\04\ where is contained the orbit file related to my scene, this error message comes out
    <<WARNING: org.esa.s1tbx.sar.gpf.orbits.ApplyOrbitFileOp: ApplyOrbit ignoring error and continuing: java.io.IOException: No valid orbit file found for 05-APR-2021 18:29:46.000000>>

  • If I download manually from the serve https://scihub.copernicus.eu/gnss/#/home the file S1A_OPER_AUX_RESORB_OPOD_20210405T203113_V20210405T163812_20210405T195542.EOF related to my scene, it seems to work even if it gives this other message
    <<WARNING: org.esa.s1tbx.sar.gpf.orbits.ApplyOrbitFileOp: Using Sentinel Restituted C:\Users\Salvatore.snap\auxdata\Orbits\Sentinel-1\RESORB\S1A\2021\04\S1A_OPER_AUX_RESORB_OPOD_20210405T203113_V20210405T163812_20210405T195542.EOF instead>>

So, it seems to have a problem to find the right orbit file and to download it.

Do you have some suggestions for this?
Thank you in advance.

S. Savastano

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