Thanks for your response @gnwiii.
However, I have finally found a pretty easy solution! In case someone else is affected see below my solution.
Download the file at (Jpy 0.9.0 for Python 3.8 provided at Anaconda by Terradue at Files ::
Extract the files as tar xvjf jpy-0.9.0-py38_3.tar.bz2. Now, you will have the whl in your computer.
Run the command ./snappy-conf <python3.8 location> . The command will fail.
Copy the whl file in the ~/.snap/snap-python/snappy/
Run again the command ./snappy-conf <python3.8 location>. Everything will work.
My conclusion is that jpy 0.11.0 (at least the whl provided at Release v0.11.0 · jpy-consortium/jpy · GitHub) has some problem with snappy code or ESA Snap, since it seems that it has a problem with the object “unwrapProxy”. However, jpy 0.9.0 (compilation for Python 3.8 provided by Terradue) works without issues.