did you already import the unwrapped phase back into SNAP with the SNAPHU import?
If not, please see here: Import Unwrapped result back into SNAP for terrain correction
For displaement you can use:
Radar > Interferometric > Products > Phase To Displacement
This should actually convert it into measurable units.
However, I wasn’t lucky with it so far and used another approach in band maths:
(Unw_Phase * wavelength in cm) / (-4 * PI * cos(rad(incident_angle)))
This gives you the relative change between two satellite images in centimeters Source: http://www.esa.int/esapub/tm/tm19/TM-19_ptA.pdf35, chapter 2.3.
The wavelength depends on what sensor you are using, the incidence angle can be used in the band maths ich you set the checkbox Show tie point grids
Many questions on that have been answered here: Subsidence map in 3d view
If you want to export raster values with lat/long coordinates, create a rectangle by digitizing it at the area of your interest, select it and right-click > export transect pixels:
This allows you to write a txt file which you can easily open in Excel. If you select “export tie points” it contains la/lon bands.