'outputComplex' argument removed from Sentinel-1 terrain correction

Hi Marcus,
I like to challenge your statement that this operator produces “unusable” data. I believe the S1 based services we provide, and which rely on the complex output of this operator, prove quite the opposite. I agree that direct naive use of this operator for complex output produces data that cannot be used for the common S1 typical usecases. However, with proper pre-processing and conditioning of S1 data before applying this operator it in fact produces complex output data with substantial added value. We therefore kindly request ESA and the toolbox developers to leave the complex option in (at least on the gpt/api level) and to keep a wide view on usecases for which the toolbox and its operators are used beyond the standard applications they are themselves the experts on. Especially in the case of “removing functionality” it would be great to consult the community in advance to avoid potential damage to the broader S1 value chain.

CC @jun_lu

Ok, we can keep this functionality for backwards compatibility. I assume you are basing some services on coherence computed from the phase? It should be usable over non-complex terrain I guess.

A JIRA ticket ([SITBX-924] - JIRA) has been created to track the issue. We will work on it. Thank you.

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The complex output functionality has been restored and it should be in the next release.

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Hello, I want to use this function now, is there any way?