Resample processing time

Resampling is only of technical nature. It changes the pixel size to a desired degree, under a given interpolation method.
You can technically resample Sentinel-2 imagery to 1 meter but you will not increase the quality of the data because it was acquired at that resolution. Instead of one black pixel with 10m² you will get 100 black pixels with a size of 1 m². The information below the 10 meter resolution (or 20 and 60 in other bands) cannot be restored.

WorldView or other VHR satellites take images at way higher spatial resolution, but at the cost of spatial coverage. As the satellite constantly moves, images are always a compromise between spatial detail and coverage.
Large image - low detail OR Small image - high detail.
Sentinel-2 is surely something in between but no technique will increase the level of detail present in the original image.