S1 Tops coregistration

I then took interferogram generated files, I tried multi-looking. and I see this error. What is the reason?

I also tried to restart SNAP and PC but nothing.

if your data still has black stripes you should use the TOPSAR Deburst module first. But as you did the same with the interferogram already I guess there somewhere is the debursted version in your data.

I am sorry but it looks a bit like you lost overview over your data. Try to keep a clean file structure to avoid such errors.

All in all, it’s down these few steps:

  1. coregister and deburst your data
  2. calculate the interferogram
  3. multi-looking
  4. Range Doppler Terrain correction
  5. Export to Google Earth

thanks a lot I try again !!

Went well!
you can have a difference between two interferogram file? Different times ??

if you want to compare interferograms of different dates you will have to apply the topographic phase removal first.
The subsequent task, phase unwrapping, can not be done in SNAP. You’lll find informations about it here:

Andreas, when multilooking an interferogram, it’s best not to select any bands. In this case it will multilook i and q and recreate a new virtual phase band with the resulting i and q. If you select just the phase band then it multilooks the phase band but the histogram will be different and the colours will look weird.


thanks for pointing that out. Of course you’re right - as phase is only a virtual band its origins (i and q) should be the actual input for multi-looking. So selecting no band is the best option.

Happy New Year to all!
how you can get a feeling for an area of ​​your interest of subsistenza tectonics over time?, and how you can get an assessment of a volcanic area evaluating the paroxysm in time ??
thank you all.

you will find answers on most of your questions in here:

Hello friends .
In the attached photo after creating the file Interferometry you could kindly indicate how to measure it had moved ?? Thank you so much to all of you

Here I was speaking of this as I can intepret the steps in cm ???

please have a look at the links to other topics I posted above where exactly is described what you are looking for.
There are also links to some tutorials which describe it even better.

Thanks for the advice, I try!
Another courtesy, where I can download previous years 2009 SLC IW Sentinell?

Sentinel-1 was launched in 2013 :slight_smile:

But you can use Envisat ASAR data (also C-band, 20 m resolution, data from 2002-2012) which is freely available for ESA users via the EOLi-SA catalogue.

Good evening to you all.
I would like to have a interrrogazone difference between two images of snow and avalanches. That file and that the proceedings should I do? File GRDH IW, or SLC? thank you

excuse me…
Good evening to you all.
I wish I had a query difference between two images of snow and avalanches. That file and that the proceedings should I do? File GRDH IW, or SLC? thank you

Good evening to you all.
I wish I had a query difference between two images of snow and avalanches. That file and that the proceedings should I do? File GRDH IW, or SLC? thank you

Hello Sarelf

If you want process with phase information you should use SLC data (for InSAR applications like DInSAR and PSInSAR) otherwise you can use GRD data (for offset tracking).

Thank you for your response, I tried the data SLC -IW
But the result of landslides or avalanches of snow was observed knowing the place where took place, why? You might indicate the steps to follow?
Also in some processed me this frame appears file below … cmq is considered a movement observed by the satellite?
thank you all…