S1 TOPSAR Interferometry on S1TBX - Further improving interferogram coherence

Yes I would be eager and excited as well to know what was done on the process to achieve the results shown on the paper…and it would help as well to note in future processing of insar

I hope @mfoumelis can help us on this

@dsmilo where in the process should subset be done if using TOPSAR data? i think it can be done after interferogram formation and debursting am i right?

@ABraun well yours still show bigger fringes than mine. Mine looks grainy rainbow coloured in all images

I filtered and multi-looked as described in the report.

Check out this tutorial to help get you started:


This should be your first step. Then coregister…ect…

If you perform a subset after coregistration or even interferogram, you are essentially clipping or cropping the image to make it smaller, not really performing a true subset.

However,after coregistration(Radar>Coregistration >S1 TOPS Coregistration with ESD),it has stacked into a single file,how can I run stack overview?Thanks

If you have multiple single files, you use the InSAR Stack Overview from the menu (Radar > Interferometric > InSAR Stack Overview)

If you have already coregistered them, you can load the InSAR Stack tool grafik (under View > Tool Windows > Radar > InSAR Stack)
The single tabs will show you the baseline information as well.

Thanks a lot ,here are more question:what’s the differnece between the menu of coregistaton>Stack Tools>Create Stack and Interferometric > InSAR Stack Overview ,which is both sub-menu of Radar in SNAP7.0? :grinning:

create stack is for geocoded rasters, coregistration is for SAR products in slant range geometry

so late for thanks to you,now I’m interesting in PSI of how to pickup the unusuall shift trend of PS candidates and ingoring normal PS candidates ,then visualize them,Could you give me more suggestions ?

could you please explain a bit more what you mean by “pickup the unusual shift of PS candidates and ignoring normal PS candidates”?