Sen2Cor-02.05.05-win64 - AttributeError: 'L2A_Tables' Object has no attribute '_L2A_Tile_PVI_File'

Dear Fabrizio,
If I use for all the product L1 the parameter “ALL” as in the pictures will it automatically correct each band at each own resolution:


Thank you so much! That helped a lot!


If someone still experiencing this error following all suggestion, I SOLVED it reducing the number of folders where the S2 product was located

So as already reported above you need to keep the number of folders as short as possible.


I created a filed called “sen2cor_batch.bat” which had this:

@echo OFF
:: .SAFE Directory Path
set arg1=%1

FOR %%r IN (60 20 10) Do .\L2A_Process.bat --resolution %%r %arg1%

The bat file should be in the Sen2cor folder, and you can run it with the path to your .SAFE directory:

.\sen2cor_batch.bat "D:\Datasets\Sentinel2-L1C\S2B_MSIL1C_20180211T024829_N0206_R132_T51TUE_20180211T052843.SAFE"

This will run the Sen2cor for 60, 20 and 10 more easily :slight_smile: