Sen2cor DEM **Without SRTM**

Dear @SofiaB,

In order to process Sentinel-2 images over the arctic region using a digital elevation model, you can rely now on the Copernicus DEM that has been released to the community through the Copernicus programme:

You can use SenCor version 2.11 to process these images and refer to point 2 of the Sen2Cor FAQ:

2) Configure DEM

Since the release of Sen2Cor 2.2, Digital Elevation Maps can be used for two purposes:
Improvement of the scene classification and improvement of the terrain correction.
The usage of a DEM is not set by default. It has to be set manually in the L2A_GIPP.xml
Sen2Cor 2.11 now fully support the Copernicus DEM.
Please refer to the Section 2.2.8 of the Sen2Cor Software User Manual
