Snap2stamps package: a free tool to automate the SNAP-StaMPS Workflow

thanks for the help!

ofc this was what i should have as name since its the exact name in the snap parameters aswell, clear!

the process runs now but is stuck on proscessing slave 1, its busy for 4 hours now and i have no clue how i can see the progress in the command line. is it supposed to print something when on 10 - 100%?

and @ABraun the DEM is 90m resolution in wgs 84 (official epsg code for world)

here is my project.conf:
project.conf (761 Bytes)

i am processing 12 slaves and 1 master from jun till oct of sentinel 1-a for an area in greenland.

my machine has 16 gb, 4 cores and 8 logical processors and runs windows 10.

  • my processor atm runs between 30 and 40% so i think i could up the processing capabilities but i am not really sure.
    xmx in snap is set to 12gb

the pyth env you see in the project conf file is my conda 2.7 environment with pathlib and the other packages installed with the correct dependencies.

thank you for your help!

EDIT: when i pressed enter 100 times for some reason the process furthered and the same error regarding the external dem is still there, therfore i will link the coreg.xml here:
coreg_ifg_computation.xml (5.8 KB)

After editing al demnname and external dem name parameters in all cm graphs (also ifg2run and subset_ifg) the process is running correctly.
hope other noobs like me can use this information haha.