Snap2stamps package: a free tool to automate the SNAP-StaMPS Workflow

(Ubuntu 20.04, python-3.8)
I’m trying to run “” but it seems there is an error with the subprocess.Popen() function. It just doesn’t wait for the processes to finish, I mean it gives me the following output:
…[13] Finished process in 2.7949752807617188 seconds.
Split slave [’/app/Documents/snap2stamps/SAR/PROC/slaves/20201226/’] successfully completed.

But the split folder is empty. So I tried running the command manually from the command line:
~/snap/bin/gpt /…/snap2stamps/SAR/PROC/graphs/splitgraph2run.xml -c 5G -q 6
This time, it behaved differently - it downloaded the Orbit file and produced *.data and *.dim in the right split folder. It took more than 2.79 seconds…

So I thought, maybe if I download all the orbit files beforehand it would not have problem with the downloading part. Running the python script again didn’t change anything. Forthemore, running the command manually again still caused it to download the orbit file again.

So, my questions are:

  1. Why does the python script not working? it seems this was not an issue before.
  2. Why does the gpt downloading the orbit file by default? What to do if I would want to use it on a stand-alone station?
  3. not related to this issue - I saw that other people populated the MASTER= line in project.conf to point to a *.dim file. How can you do that if you don’t have that dim file at the beggining of the process?? You start from zip files, don’t you?

Thank you very much,