SNAPHU Unwrapping

Agreed with Joseluis, really hoped that someone with experience can help!

Hi all

I have the same problem: Unexpected or abnormal exit of child processā€¦ for unwrapping ALOS PALSAR images!!! Help!



did you try this?

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Hi ABraun, yes, I did, but It gives the same error :cry:

hmm, what is your intention? Making a DEM or estimating subsidence?
Maybe you can try TOPO / DEFO / SMOOTH (whatever you chose first) or try to change MST / MCF.

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Hi again, I want estimates of subsidence! I did this with DEFO and MCF.

Play with tiles until sucseed

Hi, I did with 20-30-40-50-60-70-80-100 and nothing!!! I donā€™t know what happened!!! :cry:

Hi, if you are using virtual machine to unwrap, you have to increase the ram and disk space. Works for me.

Hi Pancho, Iā€™m not using virtual machine!:confounded :confounded:
Iā€™ve done it for Sentinel!!! but with Palsar I canā€™t yet.

Iā€™m a Windows user so iā€™m using Linux in virtual machine to do the snaphu phase unwrapping, and i got the same problem Unexpected or abnormal exit of child processā€¦ working with sentinel 1 I just increase the ram and the disk space and it Works. Maybe for Alos palsar could be the same.

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Hi all

I did the unwrapped of ALOS PALSAR images, now I will do the calcules to subsidence in an area of interest!

This is the firts result:

Hi Shubham, Iā€™m new in this forum. I read that you resolved the problem, could you explain me whatā€™s the problem with the snaphu data import message ā€œ3-SnaphuImport: java.lang.NullPointerExceptionā€? I have 2 images S1 and I have used S1 TOPS Coregistration, Interferogram formation, Golstein phase filtering, S-1 TOPS Deburst, Snaphu export, and when I try to import the data into NEST DAT 5.1 appear that message.

I hope that you can help me.


A post was split to a new topic: Acces to InSAR data (Sentinel / Alos)

Hola Jose Luis, yo tambien soy de Colombia y estoy probando con S1 y SNAP, sin embargo tengo problemas para realizar el UNWRAPPING, exporto los datos y trato de seguir el proceso para ejecutarlo en CYGWIN pero no obtengo resultados. Podrias darme una mano con este problema?

I try to arrive to the step ā€œphase to displacementā€, therefore I followed S1 TOPS coregistration -> interferogram formation -> S-1 TOPS Deburst -> Topographic phase removal -> Goldstein phase filtering -> SNAPHU export, after, I try to run into cygwin with the following steps: copy the exported files (not folder) to bin folder of SNAPHU-> Open snaphu.conf file -> Run Cygwin as admin -> navigate to bin folder -> Type and execute the command in the conf file, however when I try to execute cywin only appear

Pasted image1680x1050 140 KB
I donā€™t know if Iā€™m doing something wrong, I hope that you can help me, I only have two weeks to use the computer of the laboratory.


hei gabriel when you import to snaphu (snaphu import), please tell me what you input in 1-read-phase , mine cant work well. thanks

hei all when you import to snaphu (snaphu import), please tell me what you input in 1-read-phase , mine cant work well. thank

Hi Arbad

The input is the image processed before of the export for SNAPHU

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Hi Gabriel

Thankyou for your reply and information, so its mean processed after dinsar and filtering right ? I used ALOS Palsar data but the coherence seem to be like noisy, I cant see anything, have you recommendation ?


Hi Arbad

Yes, after dinsar and filtering. Which is the objetive of your study?