The error may vary but will always contain a frase indicating a variable not saved or found. In this case you see text in orange color saying “Warning: Variable ‘ph_rc’ was not saved…”. After that you encounter an error saying there is a non existing field called ‘ph_rc’ (in red color).
Reruning step 5 may get you to step 6 but you won’t get any further than that without fixing the problem.
Let me know if you need a more precise description.
thank you, I’m sure this will help many others.
I am glad I can return some of the valuable information I’ve learned in this forum.
@ABraun @falahfakhri @AlejandroDInSAR
Dear All,
Greetings !!!
I am not sure whether the page still active or not but i am facing some problem to execute StaMPS step so i want to ask for help. I am doing PSI Time Series Deformation Analysis using SNAP2StaMPS Data Preparation Technique and StaMPS technique. I have successfully completed SNAP2StaMPS Process and completed stamp(1,1) steps. How ever i have been trying to proceed with stamps(2,2) for few days now and i am stuck here. i went above for the suggestion but different person have used their own way to solve the problem which made me more confusing. So, I am requesting for the support.
I am using Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (WSL2) in Windows 11, Similarly i am using Stamps-4.1-beta version on Matlab R2023b version for the PSI Time Series Analysis.
Looking forward for yours kind suggestion.