Subset batch process problem


I really suggest you to take some time to learn how to use GPT. It will make your work with Sentinel data much better. Start by learning how to use GPT for a single operation (like subset as suggested by @marpet). Move to process one image with a graph containing several steps (e.g.: resample and subset). It is also convenient to understand the structure of the xml graph files. This will help you to solve errors in the future.

Batch processing in GPT is definitely your last move. For that, you need a code (in bash, python, R, or whatever you prefer) that changes the input parameter and run the command. That is why it is not straight forward. You can find this code on the internet but you will need to understand the script to really get what is doing and which are the limitations and possible adaptations to your specific case.

Check the links of @marpet and this material as a starting point:

Don’t be afraid about coding, each hour you spend learning will save days of working time in the future.