The integration of Sen2Cor 2.2.1 and SNAP 4.0

I’ve install Sen2Cor sucessfully.But when I click Tools>manage external tools >edit,in the dialog box of Configuration Parameters which is in the left list, the default value of Tool Executable is PYTHON_BIN just like in the guide video.But SNAP had some warning as “The tool executable does not exist.Please specify the location of an existing executable”.So what’s the problem with it?

try to add the whole path to your python installation in PYTHON_BIN instead of just python.exe
This has worked for some others here.

I’m sorry i can’t understanding your meaning clearly.Let me show you the component of python2.7 and sen2cor.
First are the folders and I wand to stress that sen2cor and snap are not in the same directory.

Second are the contents in the Anaconda2.

So,I should add what to my python installation in PYTHON_BIN instead of python.exe?

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: “Andreas Braun”;;
发送时间: 2016年9月24日(星期六) 中午1:28
收件人: "加菲";

主题: [step] [s2tbx/sen2cor] The integration of Sen2Cor 2.2.1 and SNAP 4.0

           September 24                        

try to add the whole path to your python installation in PYTHON_BIN instead of just python.exe
This has worked for some others here.

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usually, sen2cor is within your python installation under Lib\site-packages\sen2cor-2.2.1-py2.7.egg\sen2cor, that is totally fine.

However, one reason why it may have failed is that python.exe is not found on your computer. Therefore, open Tools > Manage external tools > Sen2Cor > Edit > System variables and change “python.exe” under PYTHON_BIN by the whole path, just as demonstrated in the following example.

and change it like this (make sure to have the correct path, yours is something with Anaconda2):

Doing this helped another user to get it running, see here:

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Thank you so so so so so much!!You must be the angel!!!

I’m glad I could help :slight_smile:

Hello,although the installation is right,I think the result is wrong after I used this tool using this configuration.Because the original image is the same with the corrected image.
the information of original image:

and the information of corrected image:

But when I used this tool using the former configuration,the information of them are different.I want to konw what’s your results?The same with mine?

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: “Andreas Braun”;;
发送时间: 2016年9月24日(星期六) 中午1:28
收件人: "加菲";

主题: [step] [s2tbx/sen2cor] The integration of Sen2Cor 2.2.1 and SNAP 4.0

           September 24                        

try to add the whole path to your python installation in PYTHON_BIN instead of just python.exe
This has worked for some others here.

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can you post a scatterplot of b1 before and after the correction?

Use this tool and select band 1 of the uncorrected image and band 1 of the corrected image as inputs.

I’m sorry that I was in class and then my computer broke ,so I have no free time to give you a response.
Well,I have done the correction again and I chose 10m resolution,and then analyzed the scatters of both images.The scatters image were not the same.But in the 10m resolution image after correction ,there were only some bands:b5,b6,b7,b8,b8A and so on, except b1,b2,b3,b4.Is the result wrong?And I can’t understand the scatters image,and i don’t find the guide video in the website.Do you know the meaning of the scatters image?
Because my computer gets some problems,so i will show you the scatters images tommorrow.I just think that they are not in the noamal situations.Please help me to judge them.

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: “Andreas Braun”;;
发送时间: 2016年9月24日(星期六) 中午1:28
收件人: "加菲";

主题: [step] [s2tbx/sen2cor] The integration of Sen2Cor 2.2.1 and SNAP 4.0

           September 24                        

try to add the whole path to your python installation in PYTHON_BIN instead of just python.exe
This has worked for some others here.

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Let me show you the image now.Both of them are in B7.
First is the original.

And then is the correction image:

Please tell me what’s the meaning of sactters image?Becaue i found some results i can’t understand.For example,when my mouse click the former image to calculate the scatters image of the latter,the result is not the same as when my mouse click the latter to calculate the scatters image of itself.Why?Please tell me how can I understand the meaning of scatters image.
And after correction, the bands of the correction image decreased,no b1,b2,b3,b4.I chose the 10m resoulution.

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: “Andreas Braun”;;
发送时间: 2016年9月24日(星期六) 中午1:28
收件人: "加菲";

主题: [step] [s2tbx/sen2cor] The integration of Sen2Cor 2.2.1 and SNAP 4.0

           September 24                        

try to add the whole path to your python installation in PYTHON_BIN instead of just python.exe
This has worked for some others here.

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Garfield,hello! Can you run the sen2cor correctly now?

Even I changed “python.exe” under PYTHON_BIN by the whole path, it still doesn’t work.

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: “Micky Huu”;;
发送时间: 2016年9月30日(星期五) 下午4:12
收件人: "加菲";

主题: [step] [s2tbx/sen2cor] The integration of Sen2Cor 2.2.1 and SNAP 4.0

           September 30                        

Garfield,hello! Can you run the sen2cor correctly now?

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In Reply To
September 25

        Hi,    Let me show you the image now.Both of them are in B7.    First is the original.    ‍   And then is the correction image:  Please tell me what's the meaning of sactters image?Becaue i found some results i can't understand.For example,when my mouse click the former image to calculate the scatt…     

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Why everytime I change “python.exe” under PYTHON_BIN by the whole path and click the button’OK’, when I restart SNAP it still shows"python.exe"?(btw my system is win8.1)

Even though I change path, sen2cor still run warning this time.

if you have no other Python versions installed you can try adding it as a new custom environment variable
Explained here.

I tried it again! Is that well done!!!

I can open the S2A_user_XXXX.SAFE file and load the band!!! It seems a success!!!

Which resolution did you choose?Why can you export all bands?

seems ok at first sight, but 0.016 seconds is a bit suspicious.
But if the USER files are created everything is fine. You can also check if a classification was performed. You find it under Bands > quality > quality_scene_classification. Here is a nice overview regarding the outputs:

I set the resolution 60. When it finished process, it will generate a file with .xml and all bands in it.

Get it,let me have a look! Thanks a lot !!!