TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()

Dear Sen2Cor users,

There are known reasons that can bring to this error in the processing of a Copernicus Sentinel-2 L1C product:

  • length of the path to the products (for Windows based Sen2Cor Installation) (See FAQ-6, Long string path in Windows)
  • old products that are not compliant with recent Product Specification (See FAQ-14, When processing old S2 products, form 2015 to 2017)

(Sen2Cor Frequently Asked Questions)

However if necessary, feel free to open a new ticket specifying:

  • Information on the version of Sen2Cor in use
  • Information on the platform (linux, windows)
  • Command lines used (e.g. options used, etc. etc.)
  • Log that results from running the L1C product on your version of Sen2Cor
  • L2A_GIPP.xml file
  • L1C product full name (e.g. S2B_MSIL1C_20220304T071159_N0400_R020_T38LRH_20220713T214644.SAFE)
  • Any information that may be useful

Example of a ticket’s title:
[Sen2Cor version][linux] problem/question
