Unable to download product from July, 2018 and earlier

I am having problem not being able to download the offline products on or before the date (01-08-2018). I keep getting the error message "The retrieval of offline data is temporary unavailable, please try again later.” However, for offline products on or after 01-08-2018, the download request activates the retrieval of the product from the LTA with no issues. Can someone please help?

NOTE: Sorry, I still don’t understand how is the link provided is relevant to my question. I understand the process and the limitations of accessing products from the LTA. My concern here is that I am able to retrieve level 1c product from the LTA but not the others.
As an example, accessing the product from the LTA with UUID: ‘f4e8eb11-d489-4773-9f2a-0b040a1a56f8’ keeps showing an error message "The retrieval of offline data is temporary unavailable, please try again later.”. However, accessing the product from the LTA with UUID ‘a1d4323a-84dc-4cbb-ae90-26be137fbcb5’ gives me the message of “Offline product retrieval initiated…” and I am able to download the product later when it becomes available.
So the problem seems that its not triggering the retrieval of level 1C product from the LTA that were acquire on or before 31-07-2018.

UPDATE: since the answer provided is not related to the question, I emailed the support team and apparently the data is not available at the moment …
Here’s part of the reply that I’ve got:
" Nevertheless, if you need the products urgently, you can try to download S-2 products (which are in status Offline on the Open Hub) directly from DIAS providers, note that some products are distributed free of charge, as per our previous email.
Anyway, if you are interested in downloading S2 L2A data from April to May 2017 please be informed that they are not available at the moment, but they are going to be uploaded and made available for download via the LTA service sooner."

This has been asked and discussed multiple times, please check this topic: ESA Copernicus data access - Long Term Archive and its drawbacks