Hi ABraun
Thank you for your help and answers to my questions.
I encountered a problem in implementing one of the methods PSI.
In this method, I have to use Delaunay triangulation, and after doing this, I do not know if the two pixels connected by triangulation should be added together or subtracted.
Is there something I do not pay attention to?
First I detected the coherence pixels and then I connected them by triangulation
I don’t know that, sorry.
you’re welcome
Anyway, thank you
Hi ABraun
I am currently studying how to coregistration of images.
and I came across the topic of tie point, and I was asked if tie point is the same as corner reflector?
a corner reflector could be a tie-point, but one of many randomly identified. In SNAP you do not actively select reference points between images, they are generated during the coregistration and only those which are good matches between both images are kept.