Workflow between SNAP and StaMPS

Hi everyone!
Many thanks for @katherine @ABraun @bayzidul @FeiLiu @Mehdi @alvegavaleri and all the others for sharing their experiences, it was very useful for me to process 24 S-1 Tops IW data using SNAP 6.0 and in Windows under Cygwin 2.877 , StaMPS 3.3 and Matlab 2017.
I followed Katherine steps:

Taking into consideration that in SNAP 6.0 the steps 6 & 7 are included in Interferogram formation step.
But now I have some questions :

  • in my case, does the (+ve) velocities values really imply displacement towards the satellite? (since the master is not earlier than all the slaves). Is there any way to plot ‘v’ for just some of ifg’s ?(for example here the group of Ifg’s which their dates are after the date of the master)

  • How could we export Colorbar to the GoogleEarth with velocities values when use (>> ps_gescatter) in Matlab?

  • is there any way to get vertical displacement value from this relative LOS displacement?

  • I could notice a small shift in the results specially along the high-way in the west part of my study area, is it normal?