Workflow between SNAP and StaMPS

PART B will not work unless you update the xml for the ESD operator, as SNAP 7.0 changed it

I believe you have done that already. But this was just a note.

besides mdelgado’s point it looks fine to me.

Thank you both,
Yes, everything is up to date,
I will have to do deeper look on matlab,
I use matlab R2018a, it shouldnt be a problem I think, witch version you guys use?
Thank you very much once more, it is good to talk with someone about this,

  • Zoran

the matlab version shluldn’t cause any problems - I use many different and haven’t eperienced differences in the StaMPS processing.

Are there enough pixels with non-zero amplitude? (you get messages per interferogram when running mt_prep_snap)

Hi ABraun,
As you can see only my masterdate has zero amplitude,
I add couple screenshots, maybe you can see something what I cannot,

  • Zoran

I am not sure if this causes the error, but the master date should not be included in the slaves, because otherwise it is coregistered with itself and produces a null inteferogram (we discussed this here).

But I have seen workflows where this is the case and it didn’t cause an error at least, simply a single color interferogram at this point.

Excellent Mr ABraun, seems you are right,

I simply delete interferogram 20190531-20190624 from diff0 and rslc folder witch has zero amplitude, by your suggestion.
Is that allowed, or I have to go back to SNAP and redo again all stack without image 20190624?
Thank you very very much,

  • Zoran

very good. If all interferograms were loaded correctly I don’t think deleting the master one will cause an error at a later step within StaMPS. Go on, with each step separately [stamps(2,2), stamps(3,3),…) and see if you encounter any strange messages. If no error occures, you are good to go!

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3 has anyone had done this graph?can tell me how to create it?thank you!

first you create a file called small_baselines.list using sb_find
then you can modify the list and plot the graph with plot_sb_baselines

This is the theory, I have never used it so far, because SNAP currently does not allow to create multi-master products (only single master stacks).

souce: M.Motagh 2016

Does someone have an idea what goes wrong,
All my 146120 PS are in the red box, and I think that they should be distributed throughout the whole processing area?

interferogram represents whole processing area in StaMPS-SNAP,
and I have got PermanentScatterers only in the red box (white box is my AOI),
Thanks in advance,


Hi all,

I am trying to export two files: (Stack with ESD) and (Stack with ESD, Interferogram, DInSAR). But, I am having following error.

When I try StaMPS export for individual stacks, I get error that says “Input requires a coregistered stack (1st product) and an interferogram of at least 4 interferograms”. (Figure attached for reference).

Can anyone please tell me how to get rid of this error? Do I need to generate 4 interferograms again or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you for help!

both files must be inside the File list: the intensity stack and the interferogram stack

Can you please tell me how to do it? I moved both stacks in same folder. What else do I need to do?

I mean you have to add both to the ProductSet-Reader grafik at once

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Ok, it seems to be working. Thank you for help!

I will let you know if I have any other question. I believe I am going to bother you and other people here a lot! :sweat_smile:

this is what this forum is for!

The more precise you ask, the more likely are people which can help you :+1:

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Hello again!

I am having trouble understand the procedure for using stamps. I have used Stamps export and I have 4 directories. I have downloaded the folder with all graphs from Github. I also read the readme file and some other publications but I don’t understand what should I do next now. I also have terrain corrected stacks for ESD and ESD with Interferogram and DInSAR. Can you please tell me how should I process now?

Thank you!

the stamps export (or the python scripts snap2stamps) creates four directories:

  • dem
  • geo
  • rslc
  • dif0

After you downloaded the stamps binaries, you have to make sure that you modify the StaMPS_CONFIG file to match all required folders (MATLABPATH, TRIANGLE, SNAPHU) and source it as described in the manual (chapter 2.1) to make all files available to the Linux shell.

Then you create a new folder and run the script mt_prep_snap as described in the manual (chapter 4). This creates interferograms as they are required by matlab. Once this script is executed, you open matlab and proceed with the actual stamps processing, basically just entering the commands stamps(1,1), stamps(2,2), and so on.

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Is this process same for doing Pre-processing in SNAP 7.0?