2.5.5 Error in creating L2A User Prouct in L2A_Config.py

I got “Error in creating L2A user product” warning when I run " L2A_Process.bat --resolution 10 --refresh D:\gaoxinqu\S2A_MSIL1C_20170419T024901_N0204_R089_T51RTQ_20170419T024855.SAFE".
the log shows like that,

“inspection execution=“2018-10-26 14:03:41,338” level=“CRITICAL” process=“39100” module=“L2A_Config” function=“createOrUpdateL2A_UserProduct” line=“3185”/>
Error in creating L2A User Product</message”

I open L2A_Config.py and found that “copytree(os.path.join(L1C_UP_DIR_, AUX_DATA), os.path.join(L2A_UP_DIR_, AUX_DATA))” in line 3155,but in .safe folder,“Aux_DATA” folder is not in this folder, “AUX_DATA” is actually in GRANULE/[imgName]/AUX_DATA. ok, i comment out this code, but it still prompt this error.