I am receiving a ‘401 – Unauthorized’ error message with ‘Download Sentinel data’ operator when trying to download some recent images (from less than a year ago). I can get them from Open Hub, with same user and password.
I saw the error message by running sentinel_data_download.sh (see the log below).
Anyone with any idea about that issue and on how to solve it?
Searching for scenes on https://scihub.copernicus.eu/apihub
2021-02-04T00:00:00Z - 2021-03-04T23:59:59Z
beginPosition:[2021-02-04T00:00:00Z TO 2021-03-04T23:59:59Z] cloudcoverpercentage:[0 TO 70] filename:T20HPG platformname:Sentinel-2 producttype:S2MSI
2A footprint:“Intersects(MULTIPOLYGON(((-61.6957 -34.6246,-61.4783 -34.6256,-61.4788 -34.8616,-61.6967 -34.8611,-61.6957 -34.6246))))”
HTTP status 401 Unauthorized:
HTTP Status 401 – Unauthorized
Type Status Report
Message Unauthorized
Description The request has not been applied because it lacks valid
authentication credentials for the target resource.
Type Status Report
Message Unauthorized
Description The request has not been applied because it lacks valid
authentication credentials for the target resource.
Apache Tomcat/8.0.53
beginPosition:[2021-02-04T00:00:00Z TO 2021-03-04T23:59:59Z] cloudcoverpercentage:[0 TO 70] filename:T20HPG platformname:Sentinel-2 producttype:S2MSI
2A footprint:“Intersects(MULTIPOLYGON(((-61.6957 -34.6246,-61.4783 -34.6256,-61.4788 -34.8616,-61.6967 -34.8611,-61.6957 -34.6246))))”
Found 0 scenes
Locating scenes in eodata store…
It would be best to direct your question to the scihub support directly.
The contact address for the support is stated on the front page: eosupport@copernicus.esa.int
@ppmarc, complementing Marco’s reply… I don’t think you problem relates to SNAP (directly or indirectly). This forum is focused on the SNAP Software, an open source software design to help users analyse EO data (like those of the Sentinels).
You seem to be having problems with the data distribution service of the Sentinels, for which the official support team can be contacted via the address that Marco supplied.
Where did you get this script from? Perhaps they can help you or perhaps you need a more recent version that perhaps fixes the problem? Or perhaps you are doing something wrong?
If the account works in the web page and not in the API endpoint perhaps you really should first ask the SCIHUB support team to check.