A problem with browser


I’m experiencing a problem with snap on my Lubuntu 16.04 system.

When I try to look for updates with the Plugin installer I get this error “a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException exception occurre” or when I try to connect to the SNAP home page from the Help it seems that there is no browser available.

May you help me?

Thank you

The Plugin installer problem may be due to your use of “sudo” since it does work on linux systems in our lab.

The “no browser available” does occur on linux systems (both SNAP5 and SNAP6), but I suspect this is due to differences across linux distros and window managers in the way the default browser is configured. If you really need the browser from the help menu, you should contact the forums for your linux distro.

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as I told you you were right: I uninstalled the SNAP and I reinstalled without using sudo.

Now everything work, also the plugin installer, only the browser is still KO.

I’m working to fix the connection between SNAP and firefox, but I don’t really care about this option.

Thank you George

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