Adding sen2cor to SNAP

I’ve downloaded SNAP 6.0 (win64) and the standalone sen2cor installer for win64.
I have installed both and added the L2A_Process.bat to my paths (and the bin folder in the same location just in case).
I’ve installed the sen2cor plugin from the SNAP interface and updated all plugins.
When trying to use sen2cor from SNAP I get the message
“path does not exist ‘python’
working path does not exist ‘$SEN2COR_HOME’
variable SEN2COR_HOME does not exist”

I was under the impression that the new standalone installers for sen2cor meant that no further setup would be required (Sen2Cor-02.05.05).

What would I need to do to be able to run sen2cor from SNAP?

Solved. Realised I was using SNAP 5.0. On repeating with SNAP 6.0 a bundle was installed to rectify the problem and the sen2cor plugin appears to be working.