Hi everyone
l am work on SAR image and use Radar toolbox in SNAP. But my SNAP software does not have Soil moisture and biomass tool. did anyone use this tool? in SNAP download page there are too all toolbox and SMOS Toolbox.
Hi everyone
l am work on SAR image and use Radar toolbox in SNAP. But my SNAP software does not have Soil moisture and biomass tool. did anyone use this tool? in SNAP download page there are too all toolbox and SMOS Toolbox.
l checked All Toolboxes, but too it has not. probably need add in?
These tools are not included in the official SNAP installation
So now what should l do? when will it be available? l didn’t understand before it had and now is developing?
no, it was never part of SNAP. This tool was included in a different (unofficial) version which was used in an internal course of the Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada (AAFC)
It might be included some day, but surely not in the next release of SNAP.
There are workflows for biomass and moisture inversion in PolSARpro, but they require quad-pol data and a bit of experience with polarimetric functionalities.