Apply/export a mask created after importing a colored image into SNAP

Good morning,

I have created a mask based on white pixels values in RGB mode (255,255,255) that I have successful created after importing an OLCI image processed into SNAP.
I’d like to know if I can apply this mask into an OLCI product again (in the band math section, I can’t select the image, only the OLCI products…).
Maybe I should firstly export this mask (in xml ?) and then load it into an OLCI product also but I didn’t succeed for the moment.

Is it possible to do that with SNAP ?

More generally, after exporting an image (or a mask), is it possible to reload it into the original product with SNAP ?
I don’t think that it is possible with an image because all the projection parameters will be lost after the exportation, isn’t it ?

Thank you for your response.

In the mask manager you can copy the mask to other products:

You can also export the mask definition to an xml file . Later you can import it on compatible (have the bands used in the expression) products.
This is not possible if the geometries were drawn. In this case it is better to export to a shapefile and import it later.

Thank you so much marpet !
However, I just realized that my product is inthe folder Bands; is it a way to move it into the folder Mask (which is not created here) and then export it ?