Apply Orbit File Error: No orbit file found

Hello guys,
I am using SAR data (2017), the program gives same error and 2017 is not new :slight_smile: . Also, program is creating same folder each time 1999 and 2000 into the /user/mypc/.snap/auxdate/Orbits/Sentinel-1/POEORB/S1A. I am using 6.0 SNAP and 6.0.6 S1TX. Any idea? Thanks. (Both precise and res. give same error)

I have a image from August 2015 that has a wrong date written in the metadata, Therefore, it cannot download the orbit file correctly and gives an error

How do I solve it?

I have selected my region from sub-swath 1 and 2, and I have been forced to do the DEM generation process twice, but each time it downloads different orbital files and the baseline are different for each sub-swath !!!
is it right? Why does Snap really do that? I was confused!!!

I am not sure why SNAP does that, but that is not essentially correct. When you encounter a problem with automatic downloading of orbit files (during apply orbit file operation), you can manually download them from the Sentinel Portal ( based on the date of acquisition of your data and drop it in the respective folder as shown in the error dialogue box in your previous post.

Many times, in-spite of doing this, my ‘apply orbit file’ operation fails with a similar error as yours. I then close SNAP and open it again and it works fine. Yes, its tricky, but works finally.

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