Article on DEM generation with Sentinel-1 in SNAP

My review article on DEM generation with Sentinel-1 was just published in the Open Geosciences journal.

Braun 2021 Retrieval of digital elevation models from Sentinel-1 radar data - open applications, techniques and limitations

In this work, I present the technical framework on InSAR DEM generation and its implementation in SNAP. Furthermore, I analyze the impact of temporal and perpendicular baseline as well as topography on the quality of the results. In a systematic literature review I found that many of these aspects are still neglected in current studies, and I hope my article is a contribution to the field of research. It’s not perfect from a technical perspective and I could have included so much more aspects (e.g. atmospheric disturbance), but I had to bring it to an end at some point. Feel free to share and comment.


Very nice Andy! Congratulations! :partying_face:


Congratulations and thank you for creating this overview paper! This will certainly be helpful for the public! :laughing:

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Sweet! This will be my go-to reference if I ever need to use the SAR data for elevation!


happy to hear that! I hope it’s useful to many people.

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Congratulations, and thanks for sharing! I appreciate submitting it to an open-access journal! :clap: