Giannis how did you install the sen2cor. I have been trying for ages now but it seems not to work. am trying to perform some classification using sen-2 but I have been getting errors…in fact it does not work so I want to pre-process to check if it would work. any help would be appreciated
I used tools ->plugins and then installed installed from there sen2cor with snap 6.0.0. Genneraly one other choice is to use the standalone version. Did you manage to install it ? If not where you had a issue?
Hi Tristan,
Thanks for posting a link to your publication and your insights on this post. In your article you discussed the potential for making your sun glint correction algorithm operational - has there been any progress on this? For those of us that don’t have time to implement the algorithm you recently published, would you suggest applying the method of Hedley et al?
Hi Courtney,
We are working now to link an aerosol estimator with the sunglint correction. Once done, we’ll properly consider to make the full algo operational for data distitribution.
In the meanwhile, I can process a few tiles you’re interested in. The algo from Harmel et al, 2018 corrects for atmosphere radiation, sky reflection and sunglint to get the normalized water-leaving radiances (Lwn) or Rrs. I think the Hedley method can produce very nice sunglint removal but needs to be completed with a proper atmospheric correction to get Lwn.
Hi Tristan,
Thanks for your reply and I am happy to hear that you are working on an operational tool that corrects for both sun glint and atmospheric radiation - I’m sure there are many who are interested in this. If you could process a couple tiles for me I would greatly appreciate it. Before your tool becomes operational my plan is to implement Hedley’s method for sun glint and then use the iCOR tool for atmospheric correction (as well as adjacency correction). I’m interested to compare how well this works compared with your algorithm. Here is a link to some raw sentinel images over my area of interest. I am interested in the lake that is split between the two tiles, which is affected by sun glint in these images.