Back geocoding

I have a question how can I find the values of range and azimuth shift after using back-geocoding coregistration. beacuse the pre-estimated values is needed in the enhanced-spectral-diversity process.

Another question is why the intersity of slave image such as intersity_iw3_slv1_20Mar2018 is black and empty after I use the enhanced-spectral-diversity process with selecting “use user supplied shifts” and without input manually pre-estimated range and azimuth offsets?

someone who can help me about the problem of geocoding in snap?

Hello yxy123 ,
Enhanced-Spectral-Diversity can only correct the residual azimuth misregistration introduced by Back-Geocoding.
Also, this misregistration is empirically less than 0.01 pixel.
For your questions about azimuth shift after back-geocoding , the azimuth shift between the master and the slave in coarse coregistration(Back-Geocoding) present as a 2nd order polynominal instead of a constant. SNAP can’t export the azimuth shift and range shift detected by Backgeocoding .
Zhangfeng Ma


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