Band extraction error

What do you mean by B3B2? Is it a virtual band you have created? Is it the ratio of B3 and B2?

That the geo-coordinates are not exported is because the product has no raster holding those values.
They can be created by the Band Maths. Type LAT or LON as expression and set latitude or longitude as band name.
That the CSV output is not correct is noted. [SNAP-1487] Exporting product as CSV file creates corrupted output - JIRA (

Another way how you can extract values to CSV is by creating a mask. Either draw the geometry on the image or import a shapefile or specify the WKT (Right click on image → “Geometry from WKT”).
Then select this mask and right click on image and select “Export Mask Pixels”. You can actually define the mask also by expression or value range.
You can store the data either to the clipboard or to a file (file is preferred if the number of pixels gets bigger).