Band math expression on multiple bands/products

Ya, I got the results the pixel values are like β€˜574523.34576’. Is there any conversion left to do?

I think that it is a very high value… How have you processed it finally? With bandMaths or with the Refl2Rad operator?
How do you open your input product? It seems that the quantification value has not been applied.

I have used the ref2rad tool, i used the setting you provided. i then divided the pixel value using the quantification value (10000) no my pixel values are like β€˜57.452334576’

The quantification value should be applied automatically when opening your S2 images. What is the pixel values in your S2 original product? Is it between 0 and 1?

Yes, that it did, when i open the L1C image the value of the pixel are between 0 and 1, but when i convert the pixel values to radiance, then the pixel values are very high. Is there something wrong?

Hello, I am new at snap and I’m trying to implement the FAI to a SA imagery. I already did the atmospheric correction using sen2cor plugin in SNAP. Also, already did the re sampling for 10m. However, I keep having the same error: " Snap-Warning The entered math expression references multiple products. It will cause problems unless the session is restored as it is.
Note: You can save the session from the file menu

When I click the OK button the program gives me these second error: "Failes to open image view. java.lang.Illegal Argument Exeption: level=5

Thanks in advanced

same as you
see: ,

Hi, I wonder if repeating the same band maths expression on multiple products is now possible in the UI in newer versions of SNAP?

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No, I’m sorry to say this is still not implemented.