September 26, 2016, 2:55pm
please update your SNAP version to SNAP 4 then apply the sen2cor for your product on 10m resolution. However, it will give you only four bands .
see the post below:
Hi @bdpg , @gaodiansuan , @riyaadh91
So just to make it clear as it is really confusing:grin::
From the L2B Prototype manual, when processing:
-The 60m product** we will get: B1, B9, B10, B2, B3, B8a, B11, and B12. B8 Omitted (Not used for 60m processing and B10 Omitted (does not contain surface information).
-The 20m product we will get: B5, B7, B8a, B11, B12, B01, B09, B10, B2, B3, and B4. B8 Omitted (Not used for 60m processing) and also B10 Omitted.
-The 10m product we will get B2, B3, B4…