Bulk processing with GPT - command not found

his bash file must be like this:


enable next line for debugging purpose

set -x


User Configuration


adapt this path to your needs

#export PATH=~/Research/Checking_Bulk_GPT/output:$PATH
export PATH=~/progs/snap/bin:$PATH


Command line handling


first parameter is a path to the graph xml


second parameter is a path to a parameter file


use third parameter for path to source products


use fourth parameter for path to target products


the fifth parameter is a file prefix for the target product name, typically indicating the type of processing



Helper functions

removeExtension() {
file="1" echo "(echo “file" | sed -r 's/\.[^\.]*//’)”


Main processing


Create the target directory

mkdir -p “${targetDirectory}”

the d option limits the elemeents to loop over to directories. Remove it, if you want to use files.

for F in (ls -1d "{sourceDirectory}"/S1*.SAFE); do
sourceFile="$(realpath “F")" targetFile="{targetDirectory}/{targetFilePrefix}_(removeExtension “(basename {F})”).dim”

echo “Executing :” “{gptPath} {graphXmlPath} -e -t {targetFile} {sourceFile}”
#echo “===============”
#{gptPath} {graphXmlPath} -e -p {parameterFilePath} -t {targetFile} {sourceFile} {gptPath} {graphXmlPath} -e -t {targetFile} ${sourceFile}

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