processDataset.bash: line 76: “/home/lukas/Desktop/automatic/test/AUX_DATA”: No such file or directory
processDataset.bash: line 77: : command not found
processDataset.bash: line 76: “/home/lukas/Desktop/automatic/test/DATASTRIP”: No such file or directory
processDataset.bash: line 77: : command not found
processDataset.bash: line 76: “/home/lukas/Desktop/automatic/test/GRANULE”: No such file or directory
processDataset.bash: line 77: : command not found
processDataset.bash: line 76: “/home/lukas/Desktop/automatic/test/HTML”: No such file or directory
processDataset.bash: line 77: : command not found
processDataset.bash: line 76: “/home/lukas/Desktop/automatic/test/INSPIRE.xml”: No such file or directory
processDataset.bash: line 77: : command not found
processDataset.bash: line 76: “/home/lukas/Desktop/automatic/test/L2A_Manifest.xml”: No such file or directory
processDataset.bash: line 77: : command not found
processDataset.bash: line 76: “/home/lukas/Desktop/automatic/test/”: No such file or directory
processDataset.bash: line 77: : command not found
processDataset.bash: line 76: “/home/lukas/Desktop/automatic/test/MTD_MSIL2A.xml”: No such file or directory
processDataset.bash: line 77: : command not found
processDataset.bash: line 76: “/home/lukas/Desktop/automatic/test/rep_info”: No such file or directory
processDataset.bash: line 77: : command not found
processDataset.bash: line 76: “/home/lukas/Desktop/automatic/test/S2A_MSIL2A_20170518T095031_N0205_R079_T34UCV_20170518T095032_20170606T232414_report.xml”: No such file or directory
processDataset.bash: line 77: : command not found
Command is not found and I do not know why it is looking for files (manifest, …) in directory of script when there is defined input folder with data in the script.
I am trying this example because I have this problem with my script also, I have tried different version of codes but all the time there is error - command not found. When I run it directly in shell with command gpt_path xml_file properties_file, it is working. When I try to put the command in script then command is not found. What coul be wrong ?
I have tried it with but there was same error. In my case only gpt without .sh works when I run it directly through shell. When I pass it is not recognised as command. I have to pass to shell ./gpt or whole path but ./ is not working. I do not know why.
There is also the problem with files. Why it is looking for files in folder with script and not in folder defined as input folder where are data ? I think the script in the SNAP documentation must be correct so I do not understand what is wrong.
Why is this test directory accessed. In your command line I see only “…/inputs” and “…/outputs”
Which lines are 76 and 77 in you script? They do not match to the original files.
Actually, I’ve tested the scripts and they worked. But I’m a Unix expert. So maybe I missed something. Also I’ve only tried with S2 L1C products and not L2A.
You can try to put print in front of a line to see the evaluated variables on the terminal. This might help.
There are script, xml and properties in the “/home/lukas/Desktop/automatic/test” folder. I have not write it anywhere in the script. The only thing I have changed in the script is GPT path, nothing else.
line 76 is : procCmd="\"${gptPath}\" \"${graphXmlPath}\" -e -p \"${parameterFilePath}\" -t \"${targetFile}\"" \"${sourceFile}\"
and line 77 is: "${procCmd}"
I have used downloaded script and only changed GPT path. I have put echo after each step and error is connect with this step: procCmd="\"${gptPath}\" \"${graphXmlPath}\" -e -p \"${parameterFilePath}\" -t \"${targetFile}\"" \"${sourceFile}\"
strangely, it creates as input path this path:
But I really do not understand why it put before prefix path to the script and not to the input folder.
Thanks for a try It is really strange, I put echo in this part of the code:
for F in $(ls -1 “${sourceDirectory}”/S2*.SAFE); do
echo 1 “${sourceDirectory}”
sourceFile="$(getAbsolutePath “$F”)"
echo 2 “${sourceFile}”
result of first echo is 1 /home/lukas/Desktop/automatic/INPUTS,
but the result of echo 2 is 2 /home/lukas/Desktop/automatic/TEST/S2A_MSIL2A_20170518T095031_N0205_R079_T34UC
Hi Marpet, I would like to ask one more question about the script. It is supposed to load .zip folders from a input folder or unzipped folders with data ?
I am experimenting with the GPT in the command line. It seems its a good choice for doing bulk processing.
I have created an InSAR graph for doing deformation analysis where at the end it produces the GoldSteinFiltering product. Then I use this product as an input for the phase unwrapping. So, I have two products:
Snsaphu unwrapped phase
I want to use the GPT on the command line to perform the snaphuImport. The description of snaphuImport command is given below:
In order to run this command, I did the following: snap/bin/gpt SnaphuImport -Ssource=/home/john/Desktop/InSAR/unwrapping/snap/Subset_S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_August2016_Sept2016_batch/UnwPhase_ifg_VV_08Aug2016_13Sep2016.snaphu.hdr -Ssource=/home/john/Desktop/InSAR/output/GoldstenFiltering.dim
The error says that snaphuImport requires two products. This is what I did, I used -Ssource to provide the two source products (the wrapped phase and the unwrapped phase produced by snaphu).
@marpet Is there a specific way on how to provide the two source products?
I am trying to learn how to use gpt which is very useful but sometimes i do not understand the error messages. So, I have another question about GPT tool.
I have five images which were a result of interferometric processing and I want to create a stack using the CreateStack command. So, I look at the command usage to see how it works. Below, the picture on the left shows information about CreateStack command and on the right is the graph i have created in SNAP.
When I execute the graph, it works smoothly and I get the images stacked as i expected. On the other hand, When i run the CreateStack in gpt i get he following error. Error: Value for 'Slave Bands' is invalid: '/home/john/Desktop/InSAR/output_product/S1A_IW_SLC_20161112_20170228.dim'
I do not understand what it means by slave Bands. Looking at he graph (on the right) there is nothing related to slave bands. For gpt, I used exactly the same files used in the graph.
here is my attempt:
Yes, you’re right. The error message is not well to understand.
With ‘Slave Bands’ the sourceBands are meant.
I wonder why it works with the Graph Builder. Maybe the GUI is doing some additional magic.
I guess you need to specify some bands as master and as slave / source.
But I’m not much involved in SAR things. So I can’t help you further.
these define the bands you want to include in your stack. ‘masterBands’ are those from the master product. The first one in the list of sourceProducts. And there must be two. One real and one imaginary band. The slave bands are from the other products. Also here imaginary and real band must be specified.
I’ve no much knowledge about the CreateStack operator. I only had a quick look at the code. So, probably I will not be able to answer further questions.
The first line indicates that you are not allowed to create the directory
And the second that the file does not exist.
Is the log coming from a different run as the bash you have attached?
Because the paths are different.
IN the log it starts with /shared/Training/…
And in the script, it is set to /home/rus/Desktop/shared/Training/…
So this seems to work. I get the same message if there is no data (the S3 test) matching the expression.
Maybe there is something wrong in the path you use or you don’t have data there yet.