C2RCC.msi operator doesn't consider negative temperature values

I am trying to do batch processing of Sentinel-2 images (subset and resampled) in GPT. However, for my area of interest I need to give negative temperature values. Now it is giving me error that C2RCC.msi operator doesn’t consider negative values and the value I am giving is beyond the range of temperature. So how to process my data now? I have hundreds of images and I cannot do them manually one by one.
I used the instructions as provided by this link https://senbox.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SNAP/pages/70503475/Bulk+Processing+with+GPT. (The subset and resample was done in batch processing in ESA SNAP and the C2RCC is done in GPT following instructions from this website).

Please help me I am stuck.

Why do you need to give negative values? The water would be frozen, so C2RCC cannot work under this condition. It would only produce invalid values. You could use a value of 0.000111. This is the smallest allowed value.

Why do you say?

Manual processing would not change anything.

You can still use bulk processing script, but you would only get results when providing a positive water temperature.