

We are testing the new C2X-Complex processor in the Clyde and Forth estuaries in Scotland. I wonder is there any documentation (e.g. ATBD) available to accompany this processor? Even some information on the training ranges and how these compare to the C2RCC/C2X would be helpful to understand more about its performance in these water types.

Many thanks,

Hi Peter,

there is still not an official paper or document but we can let you know the training ranges for IOPs for the C2X-COMPLEX:

min max
apig 0.000116 30.81
adet 0.0072 17.0
agelb 0.0221 4.25
btot 0 1000

The nets have been tested in lakes with high success, with less accurate results in TSM.

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Thank you, that’s most helpful Ana!

Is it possible to have the same table for C2x and C2RCC?

Thank you very much!