I am working on Sentinel 1 Images with Snappy. I have a workflow for preprocessing and was wondering that when I change the Bandnames it does not work.
This works:
sentinel_1proc = do_calibration(source = sentinel_1proc ,polarization = polarization ,pols = pols)
file_result = ‘D:\output\test1’
stack_subset = do_subset(sentinel_1proc, m.wkt)
WriteOp = jpy.get_type(‘org.esa.snap.core.gpf.common.WriteOp’)
WriteOp = WriteOp(stack_subset, File(file_result), ‘GeoTIFF’)
The output is an image with useful values :
Now when I do the same process and change the Bandnames, the Pixel Values will be set to 0:
date = 20200927
sentinel_1proc = do_calibration(source = sentinel_1proc,polarization = polarization ,pols = pols)
sentinel_1proc.getBand(‘Sigma0_VH’).setName(‘Sigma0_VH_’ + date)
sentinel_1proc.getBand(‘Sigma0_VV’).setName(‘Sigma0_VV_’ + date)
name = sentinel_1proc.getBandNames()
[‘Sigma0_VH_20200927’, ‘Sigma0_VV_20200927’]
file_result = ‘D:\output\test_2’
stack_subset = do_subset(sentinel_1proc, m.wkt)
WriteOp = jpy.get_type(‘org.esa.snap.core.gpf.common.WriteOp’)
WriteOp = WriteOp(stack_subset, File(file_result), ‘GeoTIFF’)
Now the image looks like this during the same process besides the name change:
Does anyone know why the pixel values are changed or what I am doing wrong?