Hi all, I am a beginner passionate about SAR data processing and I am trying to better understand the process of developing DEM/DTM files using SNAP. I followed the following procedure with a Sentinel 1-A source file (S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV…):
Applying the _Orbit algorithm
Applying the _Calibration algorithm
Speckle filter
Radiometric Terrain Flattening
Range-Doppler Terrain Correction
At the end of this process I get a DEM/DTM file as a band, but I did not understand what kind of EGM (Earth Gravitational Model) is used in this DEM/DTM file. I searched for information in the forum and in the program documentation, but I could not find a clear answer.
I assume that using in the last phase as a reference DEM the SRTM 1 arc sec I should have an EGM96.
If I look at the elevation.hdr file of the.img file I don’t see an EGM specifically.
Can you help me better understand which EGM is used in the DEM/DTM files generated with this procedure?
Thank you very much for your support!
elevation.hdr (698 Bytes)